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Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Little Drop of Anxiety

I'm taking training classes to become a pharmacy technician.  They are OK so far, as pick up is not too difficult to deal with, but the next stations that I will be learning about are much more difficult because they involve drugs and insurance. 

It is a very intense 18 week program because there are so many regulations and privacy laws that must be followed otherwise losing your job is a very real possibility.  Since my store is brand new, the staffing is kind of in chaos, which is why I have 2 days of double shifts.  I also have to have some time in the pharmacy to get my on the job training.  The trainer is very serious about getting this done otherwise I can get kicked out of the program and possibly lose my job.  That causes a bit of anxiety for me.  It's still low grade, but I have to make sure that it doesn't spiral.

It's a lot more communication than I am used to, but I think that it's for the best because the bank operated on miscommunication.  I just have to be more vocal about what I need.  This has never been easy for me because I am shy initially.  Now I need to figure out a professional side and keep some things secret.  I don't believe that depression should ever be held against anyone, but the amount of stigma has led to so much devastation.

I won't have to disclose this time because the company is large enough that I won't stand out.  It's the first time that I am working for a large corporation, but the training program is still causing me some anxiety.

We'll see how I survive my double shifts.

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