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Monday, May 2, 2016


I'm not sure if I've failed or not.  I mean I have a job and a place to live.  I have food to eat (for now) and I supposedly have friends.  However, I struggle a lot more than I probably should.  I cry most of the time when I'm paying bills.  I have cut expenses where I can, but I still don't have enough to live comfortably.  This is part of the reason that I have no social life.

I've had this blog for 3 years and it doesn't seem to make a damn bit of difference.  Mental illnesses are still stigmatized.  Evil bank still exists and is making its employees miserable.  I still have massive amounts of debt.  I have improved a bit, but still have a long way to go.

My companion is graduating from college and he has a better sense of what to do for a job then I did when I completed either one of my degrees.  I looked for jobs, but even before hourly rates were still low.  I'm not looking to be rich, but just comfortable.  A problem with that is debt.  Brian did school part time and worked.  His debt will be a fraction of what mine is. 

I still don't feel really close to anyone.  I want to, but no one seems to want to be close to me.  Part of it is my job that takes up all of my time.  I also don't really have money to have an active social life.  Most of my friends have responsibilities that I will seemingly never have.

A lot of my friends are married or getting engaged, buying houses, or having kids.  I have no interest in buying a house.  Having kids I'm undecided because working at the pharmacy, I see what a crapshoot having a biological child can be.  I think maybe I would like to be married.  I like the idea of having a partnership and having someone to take care of.  I don't know if I'll find that though.

There are days when I miss Rose.  He liked the real me.  I have kept part of myself hidden from co-workers and new friends that I made.  I'm pretty open about my struggles, but I never show my soft side. 

There have been improvements, but I don't think I'm successful.  I don't feel very passionate about anything.  It's still about surviving and I want something more. 

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