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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Weekend Getaway

I have just returned from my weekend getaway to Kentucky, which was excellent on the whole, but the last 24 hours was horrific and I had a minor incident because of stress.  The weekend was relaxing as opposed to the travel, which was anything but.

I am not a huge fan of flying just because of the bumpiness involved with turbulence.  The layover in Cleveland wasn't bad except for the fact that I got bad Chinese food.  It didn't make me sick, but it wasn't satisfying either.  When I landed in Louisville, I was most surprised by the humidity there.  Obviously, I am not a southern girl.  Yankee all the way!  Geof picked me up form the airport with his son, who looks exactly like him and I can't understand a damn word the kid says aside from "OK." 

The first day was just introductions and getting settled in.  The baby girl is interesting to say the least.  For some reason she likes me, but most little kids like me.  I still find it very odd considering we nicknamed her "Moriarty."  As a baby she also happens to be covered in goo a lot.  I am not a huge baby person, but I adapted.

The first day we went out to brunch at this amazing place called Wild Eggs and I had my favorite, Eggs Benedict.  I blame my assistant for getting me hooked on it.  It was amazing and the baby flung milk and pancakes at me.  Joy!  We did a bit of walking around and shopping where I got some gorgeous chocolate and a "positivity rock."  It's just a polished stone that has a positive word on it.  The one I got was hematite Serenity.  I love it.  Then it was time to set the little ones down for a nap.  Tired children are cranky children.

After nap and the adults watching dubious historical movies, we went to the zoo.  Creepy historical movies was the theme of the weekend.  One with Wilhem Dafoe saying that he never attacked a woman he wasn't attracted to...  Anyway.  The zoo was awesome.  I love animals and the kids seemed to enjoy it.  Dinner was yummy Italian food.

Saturday was my favorite day because we got to see this Mythical Creature Exhibit.  I love mythical creatures and wish that they were real.  I took a picture with the baby riding a unicorn, which made me look fat, but the picture came out awesome.  Then it was hot boys with swords and history as told through guns.  Excellent.  We went to dinner with Geof's parents and then continued our terrible historical drama marathon.

Sunday was just a weird day,  I slept in because I was on vacation and I could.  I ended up going to a wedding shower and setting everything up with Bela.  It was kind of strange and I felt like I was in Gone with the Wind in that house.  I at least got some free lotion out of the deal, which I love.  Then it was just Indian Food.

The 24 hours of hell started yesterday when my first flight was delayed an hour then it was delayed till 7 pm where I would miss connecting flight.  I got rebooked on another airline to go to Chicago where I waited on the plane for 2 hours and then we made it to Chicago.  Chicago O'Hare is the shittiest airport I've ever been to.  My connecting flight had already left by the time I found the gate.  I waited in line to get rebooked on an early morning flight to try to get to work by noon. 

Sleeping in an airport is horrible as I was freezing the entire night.  The only nice thing was that someone put a blanket on me, so I didn't freeze as much.  I woke up after a night of dozing to find out that my flight was delayed 4 hours.  Needless to say that I was cranky, hungry and tired.  I also missed work today because I was stuck yet again.  When I finally got to my home airport I was so frazzled that I dug my nails into my skin to get some tension relief. 

I am fine now, will take my bath and try to relax a bit.  The trip overall was fantastic.  It was exactly what I needed even though I missed him because I'm finally getting better and then I remember he's gone.  I can still have fun though and people still care about me.


  1. I'm glad to hear you had a nice time in Kentucky and that you made it home safely, despite the horrendous airport situation. Why were there so many delays? It's not the middle of winter!! Sleeping at an airport and missing a flight are 2 of my worst fears when it comes to traveling alone. Props to you for surviving that ordeal!!

    1. There were so many delays due to storms in the mid west. It was awful.
