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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Moving In Day 2

Today was about cleaning the kitchen.  That was brought to you by the word, "gross."  I'm not quite sure when the last time that that kitchen was cleaned properly, but it was horrid.  There were even left overs from the previous tenants.

So, I got to the apartment around 9 to wait for a mattress to be delivered.  My friend, Casey got there around 9:30.  I moved some of the boxes out of the kitchen so we could reach the cabinets.  There was not a tremendous amount of cabinets, but there were enough.  I swear the previous tenants splashed food everywhere because it was really stained.

I cleaned the counters first and then the cabinet surfaces.  They were kind of grimy.  Casey got all the upper shelves.  I also cleaned the door, which seems to have been neglected for years.  The previous tenants also left candy, a vase, mats and prescription bottles.  Needless to say, they went into the trash because I don't want them and I don't know where they've been. 

The lower cabinets had food stains that wouldn't come off, so we're going to put down liners and try to forget about them.  I know that I will definitely be wiping that all down again.  I'm not completely neat and tidy, but I'm not a slob either.  I have a lot of stuff, but I also have a sensitive nose.  I'm not looking forward to cleaning the fridge.

It's making me sad because now it's real, which means my parents will be half a world away.  I've got good friends and people who will look out for me, but it seems like the security is gone.  Only 3 more days in the house I grew up in. 

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