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Friday, February 13, 2015

The Heart

The lore is that the source of all feeling is the heart.  While medically this is untrue losing someone makes one's heart hurt.  Valentine's day is coming and it's a day that I dislike because sometimes it reminds me of how lonely I am.  Not sure if it's just the time of year that reminds me of this loneliness or if it's the fact that many others are celebrating that they love someone. 

I've only had one real relationship and like many relationships, distance and differences ended that.  He was a very kind man, but we didn't have very much in common in the end.  I think a lot of people don't see me.  I know that I'm different and sometimes difficult, but that doesn't mean that I should be any less valued.

What I really want is a romantic friend.  I've never been a great lover.  I want someone to cuddle with and share my life with.  I had that once and that is why I wear a rosebud around my neck.  I know that he cared deeply for me and for a short time I mattered to someone who mattered to me.  I hope that I can get that again.

This Valentine's is another that I will spend watching everyone else celebrate their love and I will be going on as if it is a normal Saturday off.  However, Sunday is 50% off candy day!

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