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Friday, February 27, 2015

I Have Been

"I have been and always shall be your friend."  That is one of the most powerful quotes I've ever heard and it was first said by Leonard Nimoy as Spock in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan as he was dying, having saved the Enterprise.  Leonard Nimoy passed away today at the age of 83.  All I could think of when I heard the news was that line followed by Admiral Kirk's simple, "No." 

So why, out of every quote in every fandom, do I always remember this one line?  It's because real friendships never die.  They survive even death itself.  I actual used that line in my last letter to Rose.  I meant it too.  He may not care for me anymore, but I shall always be his friend.  That line while poignant always leaves me with a slightly empty feeling.  Maybe because one person is gone, but the whole world seems empty.  I miss my friend because that's what he will always be.

I also think that Leonard Nimoy delivered the most memorable scene in all of Star Trek because it illustrates how important friendship is.  These were two people, Kirk and Spock, whose friendship they relied on.  They accomplished so much together.  Sometimes I think people forget how important friendships are.  Some friendships can change your life and it doesn't matter how brief the friendship is because that is a relationship, that at its heart, is the most human.

I would just like to thank Mr. Nimoy for that beautifully delivered line.  It has been one of the defining scenes of my life.  You will be missed.

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